Dexter Around Town: Easter Eggstravaganza, Dexter Art Gardens, Student Representatives

Hawker/Peddler Permit

A hawker/peddler permit to go door-to-door in the City has been issued to Weed Man Lawncare of Ann Arbor. The approved hours of operation are 9:00am to 5:00pm from now until May 12, 2024.

Easter Eggstravaganza

Egg Scramble

The Dexter Parks & Recreation Commission will be holding its annual Easter Eggstravaganza Egg Scramble on Saturday, March 30th in Community Park on Ryan Dr. Check-in will begin at 9:00am, with the scrambles beginning at 10:00am. Children 10 and under are invited to participate, with the kids being split into three groups, 0-3, 4-6, 7-10. Children will be able to get prizes, get their face painted, and meet the Easter Bunny!

Tickets will be on sale at Dexter City Hall located at 3515 Broad Street starting Monday, February 19th. Tickets are $2/child or $5/family with 3 or more children. Tickets will be available day-of, but pre-purchase is highly appreciated in order to estimate attendance.

Riddle Hunt

Another part of the Easter Eggstravaganza will be the Riddle Hunt, which will begin Saturday, March 16th. To participate, go to and download the Riddle Hunt sheet (which will be available online on March 16th). Using the clues on the riddle sheet, families will track down a hidden Easter Egg in each of the City’s seven parks that will have a word printed on the back. Using the words, you will create a secret Easter phrase that you can bring back to City Hall (3515 Broad Street) to claim a prize! The last day to bring back the phrase will be Wednesday, April 3rd.

Dexter Art Gardens Temporary Sculpture Display

The “Dexter Art Gardens” is an annual outdoor artwork exhibition sponsored by the Dexter Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee and the City of Dexter. Up to five (5) temporary outdoor artworks will be juried and placed on temporary display along with the City’s permanent collection for one (1) year: June 2024 – May 2025. The selected pieces will be installed on concrete pads in prominent locations throughout Dexter. Applications may be submitted via the online Call for Entries platform, CaFE at: Submitting an application via the CaFE site is free. The deadline for submissions is Monday, March 4, 2024. Artists will be notified in March regarding selections.

DPW Summer Help

The City is seeking applications for summer positions with the City’s Department of Public Works. This position is in the Department of Public Works and will assist with mowing lawns as well as general maintenance. Work hours for this position are 7:00am to 3:30pm, Monday through Friday from May/June through August/September (depending on availability). Applicants must be 18 or older. An application can be found on the City’s website at: (select Employment Application).

Student Representatives

The City of Dexter is recruiting Student Representatives to: the Dexter City Council; Planning Commission; Parks and Recreation Commission; and Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee. Two (2) Student Representatives will be appointed to each Board. The term of appointment is June 2024 – June 2025. These positions are designed to be mutually beneficial to both the students and the Committees or Commissions on which they serve. The students shall gain a tremendous learning experience about the workings of local government and the policy making process, while the Committees and Commissions benefit by having the perspectives of younger members of the community. Student representatives shall not have voting privileges, but may participate in all discussions.

Eligible applicants must live in the Dexter Community School District (preference will be given to City residents), and be in grades 9 – 12 (preference will be given to students entering grades 11 – 12). Students who attend private school, public school, or home school are welcome to apply. To access the application form, please visit: Applications can be e-mailed to Jbreyer@dextermi.govor mailed/delivered to 3515 Broad St., Dexter, MI

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