Boys Swimming: Pioneer cruises by Lincoln, Bedford in dual-meet dominance 

The Pioneer boys’ swimming and diving team had two easy dual-meets recently with convincing wins over Lincoln on Feb. 6 (136-47) and Bedford on Feb. 8 (149-30).

Against Bedford, Pioneer had first-place finishes from Vaughn Boutell in the 200 free (1:53.81) and 500 free (5:10.24), Christopher Leuciuc in the IM (2:01.23), Cam Kline in the 50 free (22.43) and the 100 free (48.79), Gabriel Mercier in diving (314.3 points), Henry Baumhover in the butterfly (50.47), Dominic LaRocca in the backstroke (1:03.05) and Elijah Almeida in the breaststroke (1:02.70).

The Pioneers also took the top three spots in all three relays.

It was much of the same against Lincoln two days earlier.

The Pioneer team of Jensen Wood, Edward Zhang, Baumhover and Leuciuc won the medley relay in 1:34.22. The same team of Baumhover, Leuciuc, Wood and Zhang (in that order) won the 200 free relay in 1:25.53.

In the individual events, Luke Silva won the 200 free (1:53.13), Thomas McTigue won the IM (2:15.5) and the breaststroke (1:04.04), Kline won the 50 free (22.73), Mercier won diving (360.6 points), Leuciuc won the butterfly (52.62), Brighton Han won the 100 free (49.3), and Oleksandr Gladunin won the backstroke (55.99). Coen Boutell was second in the 500 free in 5:00.21.     


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