HWPI: Border-to-Border Trail Construction Updates

From Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative  

While HWPI volunteering and events are suspended until restrictions on public gathering are lifted, we continue our commitment to expanding the Border-to-Border Trail. Construction is underway, even now, with our contractors following safety guidelines and precautions. We encourage you to enjoy the rich network of trails that you have had a part in developing, and remember to practice social distancing to protect our collective health and safety.

Huron River Drive Trail, Dexter Huron HCMA Park to Zeeb Road – This beautiful trail segment opened on April 1st and has seen extensive use. Minor restoration and finishing will take place over the coming weeks.

Lyndon Township Trailhead – The contractor has placed the aggregate surface material for the universal hiking trail. Final grading and landscape work will continue until mid-May.

M-52 Chelsea-Stockbridge Trail, Green Lake to North Territorial Road – The retaining walls north of Green Lake and behind Lyndon Township Hall are complete. Grading for the path continues on the segment just north of the DTE Energy Foundation mountain bike trails. Fine grading and asphalt paving is anticipated to start in mid-May.

M-52 Trail, Tunnel Project – Construction of the tunnel wing wall foundations is nearly complete. On May 4th, M-52 will be closed to begin installation of the pedestrian tunnel. The road will be closed for three weeks.

The Grove Road and Frog Island Trail – Work is scheduled to start on these two trail segments, located in the City of Ypsilanti, in early June.

The North Grove Road and North Hydro Park – Construction on these two Ypsilanti Township trail segments is scheduled for mid-May.

Share your Border-to-Border Trail (B2B) story!

Are you out on the B2B Trail for the opportunity to be outdoors with your family? To reach an athletic or health goal? To commute to work? Or to simply enjoy nature? We want to hear all about your relationship with the trail. Thank you in advance for sharing with us!

Click here to contribute HERE

B2B Trail Facebook Community Group

More and more community members are accessing the B2B Trail to maintain mental and physical wellness.  HWPI has created a B2B Community Facebook group to share photos and stories and engage around B2B Trail topics. Volunteer opportunities and trail events will be posted when we are able to begin gathering again. The Huron Waterloo Pathways Facebook page will continue to be a resource for information about trail construction, updates and future plans. We are excited about this new group as the vibrant B2B trail community continues to grow!

Click HERE to join the B2B Trail Community group:

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